This Blog was last updated...
20th January 2025

Hi, Welcome to my Blog about CureCoin.

Read down this Blog to discover why I love CureCoin so much.

Way back in 2012 was when I first got into cryptocurrency, namely Bitcoin...

I started with some asic Block Erupters and then in 2014 invested in some antminers and claiming from faucets along the way.

Since 2012 and along my crypto journey I have in total HODL ( HOLD ) hundreds of different cryptocoins...

The majority have turned out to have flopped or vanished, and a few got my serious attention...

The first coin I got heavily involved in was called Bikercoin, I was lucky and found it not long after it launched in 2016, I invested some cash and lots of time. The owner decided to move it to another online system and stopped the mining of it, It got merged into another system and all coins transferred into the new system. Then it all collapsed and my hundreds of thousands of Bikercoin ALL went poof.

My next crypto venture started in 2017 when I stumbled onto a coin called jsecoin, it looked really interesting and got my full attention. Again I put in some money and lots of time, by 2020 I had amassed over 200,000 coins, when suddenly, out of nowhere, the owner announced it was shutting down. So, again, over 200,000 coins of worthless crap.

I promised myself, that I would be doing some long term due diligence on the next coin that I choose to invest my money and time into...

For the past 4+ years, I have been getting more and more involved with curecoin, the team behind it, how it works, and why it now has my full attention..

I put this blog together as a doorway into curecoin, keep reading down to find lots of my guides and all the information you need to get started with curecoin.

For quite some time, the value of CureCoin has been hovering around $0.01 per curecoin. But, what if it goes up in value...

Way back in 2013, I sold 4 Bitcoin for $4000, but, what if I would have kept them until now, they would be worth over $400,000

Yeah, I regret selling them, but hey ho, I needed food at the time.

If it takes ten years for CureCoin to get to even $10 in value, I do not mind waiting, and working away promoting it. But what if it makes it to $100 ?

How many CureCoin will you have in 10 years time. I have lots already, I plan on having more and bringing a lot more people into knowing, using and supporting it. Which is why I have put together this blog as a useful guide for people.

Interested ? Keep Reading Down...

By the way, should CureCoin get to $100 in value, you will find me permanently on my yaght. hitting golf balls for trained dolphins to bring back to me. Just because I can. Don't worry, the dolphins will be treated well, and well fed with extra tuna I will supply to them. From a can, Ha Ha.

Regards, Neil Bennett

So lets get started with my Blog Posts...

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I do not know anything about curecoin, so it is interesting to collect Crypto. I have some dogecoin. Regards Tommie


Thank you for this as I was not at all sure what it involved. Now it's clear.


I think you did a great job of explaining what is and how one can get information and get involved. I've been involved with several crypto coins/tokens but this is the first time I've heard of this coin. It promotes a good cause and I think it's a coin with tremendous upside potential as it is discovered by the masses. Great blog post!


Great description and information but Crypto isn't for me


Great Opportunity if coin price rise? O'Ba,


I love the color set up on this page


Thanks for the info Neil and I know I should be checking into crypto more but being as old as I am - most of it is way over my head but I do wish you luck and will look into this more when I have too


A very good work

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